Public Lighting
The Streetlight-EPC Project - Europe
The project "STREETLIGHT-EPC" had the goal of creating demand and supply for EPC projects in 9 regions by setting up regional EPC facilitation services. They provided comprehensive support to municipalities and to SMEs as potential ESCOs.
The project ran from 1st April 2014 until 31st March 2017. The facilitation services are being continued by the regional partners.
Streetlight OesteLED IP, Oeste Region - Portugal
The OesteLED streetlighting ESCO project was implemented in 12 municipalities that constitute an Intermunicipal Community, a NUT III region in Portugal, with a population of approximately 365,000 inhabitants.
The main goal of the project was to improve efficiency in street lighting. It was one of the largest LED projects in the world, and the biggest in Portugal as well as a pioneer in the intermunicipal financing model, reducing electricity bills by more than €6,6 million at 2022 electricity costs.
Energy efficient streetlighting with EPC: Podravje - Slovenia
Streetlights are essential in every village and city to assure safety, security and evening life. At the same time, they harm the environment – use a lot of energy and negatively influence the life of night animals. Therefore, the energy efficient and well-designed streetlight system is very important for each community and public spaces. In Slovenia many municipalities have used energy performance contracting to energy and environmentally refurbish the streetlighting systems. The reports show that they have saved money and improve the lighting conditions without the initial investment when using EPC.
34 streetlighting contracting projects: Upper Austria
The implementation of 34 streetlighting contracting projects in Upper Austria in the past 2 years shows that municipalities can benefit from modern and efficient streetlighting as well as guaranteed annual electricity and maintenance cost savings despite a tight municipal budget. Overall, 10.9 million Euro were invested in LED streetlighting and the municipalities now benefit from annual cost savings of ca. 420,000 Euro. These investments were enabled and supported by the region's energy contracting programme (ECP). The regional Energy Egency of Upper Austria, OÖ Energiesparverband (ESV), manages this programme and supports municipalities in the project implementation. So far, the programme has facilitated the refurbishment of streetlighting in more than 70 municipalities (almost 20% of Upper Austrian municipalities).