Why and how public authorities should start using innovative financing instruments?
Why and how public authorities should start using innovative financing instruments?
On 8th Mar 2023
Missed our webinar on why and how public authorities should start using a wider range of financing instruments, and how you can join PROSPECT+? Don’t miss the recording and the presentations we shared with almost 100 attendees.
Pierluca Merola from European Commission’s DG Energy opened the webinar by presenting the policy context and the scale of the challenge of achieving energy efficiency and renewable energy targets. Mr Merola also discussed various programmes and initiatives available to public authorities to support their energy transition and indicated new developments that cities can expect in the coming months. The PROSPECT+ Team then gave an overview of the various financing instruments many public authorities are still not familiar with and explained how we can support you in decreasing dependence on subsidies (including the rules of the current call for applications).
Interested in joining the meetings, study visits and mentoring visits?
Representatives of public authorities (cities, municipalities, regions and their energy agencies) can learn more about the various financing instruments first-hand from those who have successfully tested them across Europe. We are currently accepting applications from mentees:
The call for applications to join as mentees: 2 March – 14 April (click here to apply)
The call for mentors will be open between 22 May – 7 June (we encourage public authorities interested in becoming mentors to contact us through the Expression of Interest also before the call starts).
Information about the current call for applications: click here
Also, don’t forget to join the PROSPECT+ Community of Practice – register today for free: click here
Recording of the webinar: Youtube [link]
- Pierluca Merola, DG Energy: “Why do cities need to plan energy transformation with less dependence on subsidies: the scale of the challenge “
- Sylwia Slomiak, Eurocities: “Is reducing dependence on subsidies realistic? An overview of innovative financing instruments for cities and regions”: PDF[link]
- Sylwia Slomiak, Eurocities: “How can PROSPECT+ help public authorities use other-than-subsidies financing options?”:
- Anke Mollers, Energy Cities: “Join the learning journey: the current application process for the third learning cycle”: PDF[link]
- Overview of the financing instruments: click here