Last chance: Learn how cities and regions can achieve their sustainable energy goals without traditional bank loans

Last chance: Learn how cities and regions can achieve their sustainable energy goals without traditional bank loans

On 10th Jan 2024

On 22 January 2024, PROSPECT+ launches the last call for applications for public authorities and energy agencies who want to learn how to leverage various innovative financing options. 

As the European Union’s climate and energy targets are increasingly ambitious, public authorities are facing challenges to speed up their energy transformation due to the limited access to subsidies. Other-than-subsidies financing instruments offer an opportunity to avoid delays.  

PROSPECT+: Your guide to sustainable energy financing

A representative of the European Commission’s DG Energy (to be confirmed) will explain the latest policy developments, the gap between the needs for energy efficiency investments and the current public budgetary support.

We will introduce you to a range of innovative financing mechanisms and programmes specifically tailored for public sector investments. These tools are designed to assist you in selecting the most effective financing options for your projects.

You will have the opportunity to learn about successful projects carried out by the PROSPECT+ mentors, who are representatives from various cities and energy agencies across Europe, sharing their successful project experiences.

As we launch the last call for applications, you will also learn about the final opportunity to join the PROSPECT+ capacity-building programme, which features insightful study visits and mentoring sessions across Europe.




Date: 22 January 2024 (Monday) 

Time: 10:30-12:00 CET 

Registration link: click here

Downloadable agenda: click here






Sylwia Slomiak, Eurocities  / PROSPECT+  


Energy transformation: needs and EU targets. 

DG Energy (TBC) 


What financing options can cities, municipalities and regions use to reach the targets: overview and proven successes  

Sylwia Slomiak, Eurocities  / PROSPECT+ 


Empowering public authorities to leverage innovative financing: the role of PROSPECT+  


Join the last capacity-building cycle offered by PROSPECT+: learn how to apply. 

Anke Mollers, Energy Cities / PROSPECT+ 


Q&A and discussion 



Wrap-up and closing 



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