This section contains the public reports, describing in detail the results and the progress achieved during the implementation of H2020 PROSPECT project (duration: 2017-2020). Here you can find thorough data regarding the various PROSPECT activities, such as engagement campaigns, learning cycles and dissemination processes.


Engagement process in peer to peer learning activities


Report on selection process from ongoing needs assessments
This document aims at providing an overview of the needs and barriers that local authorities face when financing their Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plans (SECAPs).
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Report on best practices to feed in the learning programme
This report aims to provide support to the PROSPECT learning modules, by offering a wide range of best practice examples, which can be used by the PROSPECT learning participants as a reference for facilitating learning in the peer to peer exchanges.
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Needs assessment of local and regional authorities
This document is short version of Deliverable 2.5 which has a detailed update of initial findings, based on the lessons learnt during the PROSPECT project (running between 2017 and 2020), of a needs assessment, provides an overview of the needs and findings of public authorities, and comes up with conclusions and recommendations for the future.
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Summary of peer to peer learning objectives for all mentees
The objectives of the report are the following: Identify the beneficiaries (geographical location, size, type) of the Prospect learning programme (both mentors and mentees); Highlight mentees’ main priority learning objectives (sector and type of financing scheme).
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Development of the PROSPECT


Learning Programme Content for Learning Modules
This report aims at providing a detailed description of the 5 Learning Modules (Public Buildings, Private Buildings, Transport, Public Lighting, Cross Sectoral) of the Learning Programme, emphasising on their special features (e.g. barriers, typical projects, funding sources, best practices).
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Guidance Notes for Facilitators
The report details the step-by-step guidance process and covers all the practical information, including tools and resources, for the PROSPECT learning programme that participants need to know and accomplish – from getting started and working together to meeting up and moving forward.
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Detailed Structure and Plan for the Learning Programme
Τhis report on Detailed Structure and Plan for the Learning Programme details the structure and activities of the learning programme as well as the roles and responsibilities of the participants. It informs the step-by-step process and covers all the practical information by presenting the tools and resources that are used by the participants throughout the programme.
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Report on Certification Framework
Offering a certification in the context of the peer-to-peer learning programme PROSPECT offers added value for both participants and the project consortium. Participants will receive a reward for participating in the programme. The value of the certificate is further intended to exceed the scope of the project by not only acknowledging participation but by evaluating learning outcomes.
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Report on Setting up Peer to Peer Powered Cities and Regions
The development of the learning program is the foundation of the PROSPECT project. This report provides the objectives and methodology, outputs delivered and implementation plan, lessons learned and conclusions in setting up a peer-to-peer learning program.
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Launching and Monitoring the Peer to Peer Learning Programme


Monitoring guidelines for the success of the learning programme
Establishing a successful peer to peer learning programme is the main objective of PROSPECT. To ensure quality and timely reaction in constantly improving the program, we have set measurable targets, both tangible and intangible, for all our strategic and operational objectives, which focus on the learning programme.
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Summary of the monitoring outcomes of the learning programme
Establishing a successful peer to peer learning programme is the main objective of PROSPECT. To ensure quality and timely reaction in constantly improving the programme, we have set measurable targets, both tangible and intangible, for all our strategic and operational objectives, which focus on the learning programme. Then, the specific objectives and appropriate targets were shaped into a performance framework and appropriate key performance indicators (KPIs) were developed for each.
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Peer-Powered Cities and Regions: Success Stories from PROSPECT
For PROSPECT, we have selected cities and regions that planned to develop and launch sustainable energy and climate action projects using innovative schemes in their own local contexts. Specifically, we have focused on participants who, after engaging in peer to peer learning, have transformed these experiences to specific learning outcomes, namely cognitive change, relational change, skill development, action orientation, and wider capacities. This booklet is written for cities and regions interested in the learning journey of peer-powered cities and regions on the topic of innovative financing schemes for sustainable energy and climate action projects.
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Results, impact and lessons learnt
This deliverable presents the main conclusions and lessons learnt during the implementation of PROSPECT, drawn from the monitoring results, as well as the potential impact of the project in terms of energy savings and GHG emission reduction.
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Summary report on Peer Learning Agreements (Final)
This summary report on peer learning agreements outlines the final objective, scope, methodology, limitations, results, and future recommendations. The appendices show the list of signatories as well as copies of the final commitment statements.
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Impact of the peer to peer initiative
This report outlines the impact of the PROSPECT peer to peer initiative.
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Replication Assessment and Planning


Replication plan for city participants and report
This report is the output of the learning programme for participants and can be reused fully or partially by those who wish to replicate or implement and similar type of project. It is designed to provide tangible, concrete actions for participants based on the different sources of data, information produced, and collected during the timeframe of the project.
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Finance your sustainable and climate action
This report can be used by any interested municipality, energy agency, city or region who is planning to replicate energy efficiency projects. It will also be useful to the H2020 PROSPECT participants, as it summarises per module the main success factors and lessons learnt through that project.
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Sustainability Plan for the peer-to-peer learning program
The deliverable presents the sustainability strategy of the project: project’s legacy in terms of local policies, collaborations and the future exploitation of the project’s results by the consortium members but also by any organisation that would like to use part of the outcomes or the methodology of the learning programme to build capacity among public authorities.
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Communication and Dissemination Reports


PROSPECT Learning Platform
The PROSPECT learning platform, serving as the main communication tool for programme participants, informs about the project, makes documents and learning material digitally available, organises the application process for the learning cycles as well as online meetings as part of the learning programme.
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Summary of communication pack of PROSPECT
The main scope of this report is to present and analyse the performance of all the tasks related to the communication of results of the project. Certain guidelines were created and respected throughout the duration of PROSPECT, which will be described in the following pages too.
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Presentations at EU and national level
In its 42 months of existence, PROSPECT has been featured in numerous events and presentations across Europe through its partners. In total, the project was presented at 60 events, exceeding the target goal of 55.
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Key Lessons from Final Events
In 2020, PROSPECT hosted two final events: the PROSPECT workshop “Green Financing: unlocking the local energy transition”, organised on the 5th of March in Wels, Austria during the World Sustainable Energy Days; The PROSPECT virtual workshop “Virtual Peer Learning on Sustainable Financing”, which took place online on the 22nd of October morning.
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PROSPECT dissemination strategy (Draft)
This document formulates an elaborate communication and engagement strategy for the PROSPECT project, map out communication milestones, and define in detail the project’s target audiences, the messages relevant for each audience as well as the channels and communication vehicles that the project will use.
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Summary of Visual Communication Material
This report describes how the PROSPECT visual communication material (infographics, mapping and video), as well as online dissemination activities (social media activity and synergies with other initiatives and projects) contributed to reach the project’s communication objectives.
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