Knowledge transfer for energy efficiency and renewable energy sources in buildings
Knowledge transfer for energy efficiency and renewable energy sources in buildings
The webinar “Knowledge transfer for energy efficiency and renewable energy sources in buildings”, organised by BUILD UP in collaboration with the PROSPECT+ and IN-PLAN projects, will take place on Thursday 13 April from 11:00 to 12:00 CEST.
Buildings represent one of the largest sources of carbon emissions in Europe, and therefore require specific actions and strategies to reduce their impact. However, continuous progress in technologies and solutions to improve energy efficiency in buildings does not reach stakeholders in order to implement them and knowledge transfer isn’t flowing effectively among agents in the value chain of the Energy Efficiency market.
The BUILD UP portal plays an important role in mitigating this issue, acting as a facilitator of knowledge transfer at the European level, while cities and regions, and in particular smaller municipalities also have a key role to play in delivering the energy transition. A great number of local authorities in Europe have signed up to initiatives such as the Covenant of Mayors – Europe and have developed a Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan (SECAPs), pledging to reduce emissions by 2030 and to develop adaptation measures to climate change. However, when it comes to implementing those measures, a number of obstacles are in the way.
The application of knowledge-sharing strategies can help overcome obstacles: the IN-PLAN project has developed a methodology to integrate energy and climate planning (such as SECAPs) with spatial planning, which empowers local and regional governments to implement their energy and climate goals and helps make SECAPs and other planning instruments more effective; PROSPECT+ is carrying out a peer-learning capacity building programme, with the objective to support local actors to make use of innovative financing schemes to implement energy efficiency measures and adaptation strategies.
Join us on 13 April 2023 to learn more about the importance of knowledge transfer for energy efficiency and renewable energy sources in buildings, the role BUILD UP plays, and how projects are developing knowledge-sharing strategies at the local and regional levels.
- 11.00 – 11.05: Webinar introduction – The BUILD UP Team
- 11.05 – 11.15: The importance of knowledge transfer and the role of BUILD UP – The BUILD UP Team
- 11.15 – 11.30: PROSPECT+ supporting local actors in innovative financing schemes with a peer-learning capacity building programme – Giulia Pizzini, Senior energy expert at the Institute for European Energy and Climate Policies (IEECP)
- 11.30 – 11.45: IN-PLAN methodology to support local and regional authorities in integrating spatial, urban, and climate planning – Tomislav Novosel, Expert Advisor at the North-West Croatia Regional Energy Agency (REGEA)
- 11.45 – 11.55: Q&A session – Moderated by the BUILD UP Team
- 11.55 – 12.00: Closing remarks – The BUILD UP Team